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Our Most Popular Courses
Below some of our most popular courses, but we have many more.

Resilience in the work place
Resilience is a critical skill to have both at work and home. This course looks at how to develop and strengthen resilience in the workplace.

Legal Research Bootcamp
Legal Resource Bootcamp is a critical skill to have both at work and home. This course looks at how to develop and strengthen bootcamp in the workplace.

MBA in a Day – Single module 1 Profile of the profession
This module covers: 1.1 Profession size and demographics 1.2 The legal supply chain 1.3 The nature of legal services 1.4 Lawyer personality profile 1.5 Lawyer mental health

MBA in a Day – Module 2 Market Trends
This module covers: 2.1 Trends in the client domain 2.2 Tends in technology 2.3 Trends in the people arena 2.4 Trends in the practice of law 2.5 Market and competitor trends 2.6 Predictions and outlook (as at March 2020)

How to be a negotiation genius. Part 1: Fundamentals
In this module Nicole Davidson draws upon her years of experience in negotiations to explain the seven elements of a great negotiation.

MBA in a Day – Module 3 Law Firm Strategy
3.1 The nature of strategic decisions 3.2 Crafting strategy 3.3 Strategic plan examples and templates 3.4 The process of strategic planning in law firms

MBA in a Day – Module 4 Law Firm Economics
Overview 4.1 Law firm financials 4.2 Business structures 4.3 Practice design and profit drivers 4.4 New economic theories

Powerful presentations and presence
Presentation skills is no longer the soft skill in business. In fact given the urgency to reset how we communicate across cultures, countries and countless mediums, it is now the most valuable skill we can have in business. A presenter who has strong presence and authenticity will keep connected to their clients and ensure they can engage with meaning and purpose.

MBA in a Day – Module 5 Building a practice
Overview 5.1 Making rain 5.2 How and why clients buy 5.3 Defining and positioning your practice 5.4 Building your brand, profile and networks

MBA in a Day – Module 6 Winning and keeping clients
Overview 6.1 Prospecting for opportunities 6.2 Better ‘sales’ conversations and pitching 6.3 Keeping clients and building relationships 6.4 Becoming a trusted adviser

MBA in a Day – Module 7 Law firm pricing and value capture
Overview 7.1 Price as a profit lever 7.2 Better practice pricing – at the matter level 7.3 Price negotiation 7.4 Better practice pricing – at the firm level

MBA in a Day – Module 9 Leadership and management
Overview 7.1 Price as a profit lever 7.2 Better practice pricing – at the matter level 7.3 Price negotiation 7.4 Better practice pricing – at the firm level